Oak Shields Estate Planning Limited
Chapel House, Leicester Road
Loughborough, LE11 2AF

01509 927000

Funeral Plans

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"Open, honest Funeral Planning prices"

As everyone has different needs when it comes to funeral planning, we offer a range of plans which can suit how you wish to plan your funeral. You can pay in one single payment for your funeral plan, or opt for 12 monthly funeral plan payments to help spread the cost. We are open and honest about the prices of our funeral plans. For more information about Funeral Plans, contact us today on 01530 446 531.

Bronze Plan


The Bronze Plan is a simple cremation-only plan with no funeral service and is a low-cost alternative to a traditional funeral. Whether it’s due to cost or lifestyle choice, this plan is becoming popular with people who don’t want a funeral service, but who do want to make their wishes known. Includes Disbursements.***

Our Bronze Plan includes

Funeral Directors Professional Service and Advice 

24 Hour Service

Collection Of The Deceased* 

Care of the Deceased in the Funeral Home 

Simple Coffin 

To Crematorium Only 

Funeral Directors Attendance 

Provision of Hearse 

Cremation Fees and Return of Cremated Remains 

Silver Plan


The Silver Plan offers a simple, low cost Funeral Plan at an affordable price. This plan limits some of the additional features of higher cost plans, but provides you and your family with a high standard of care and support. Available as burial or cremation. Does not include Disbursements.**

Our Silver Plan includes

Available as burial or cremation

Funeral Directors Professional Service and Advice 

24 Hour Service and Home Visits

Collection Of The Deceased* 

Care of the Deceased in the Funeral Home 

Standard Dignified Coffin 

Viewing in the Chapel of Rest

Funeral Procession from Home or Funeral Home to the Crematorium

Funeral Procession from Home or Funeral Home to the Church Service

Funeral Directors Attendance

Provision of Hearse

Provision of Bearers (4)

Return of Cremated Remains 

A dedicated online memorial page including online donations 


Gold Plan


If you’re looking for a Funeral Plan that covers more than just the essentials, our Gold Plan gives you some additional benefits and flexibility and may be suited to your needs. Available as burial or cremation. Includes Disbursements.**

Our Gold Plan includes

Funeral Directors Professional Service and Advice 

24 Hour Service 

Home Visits

Collection Of The Deceased* 

Care of the Deceased in the Funeral Home 

Standard Dignified Coffin 

Viewing in the Chapel of Rest

Funeral Procession from Home or Funeral Home to the Crematorium

Funeral Procession from Home or Funeral Home to the Church Service 

Funeral Directors Attendance 

Provision of Hearse 

Provision of Bearers (4)

Minister or Celebrant Fees 

Cremation Fees and Return of Cremated Remains 

A dedicated online memorial page including online donations 

Platinum Plan


A Funeral Plan that goes a little bit further, our Select Plan includes the same services as the Gold Plan plus a limousine and higher quality coffin. Available as burial or cremation. Includes Disbursements.**

Our Platinum Plan includes

Funeral Directors Professional Service and Advice 

24 Hour Service 

Home Visits 

Collection Of The Deceased* 

Care of the Deceased in the Funeral Home 

A Quality Dignified Coffin

Viewing in the Chapel of Rest

Funeral Procession from Home or Funeral Home to the Crematorium

Funeral Procession from Home or Funeral Home to the Church Service 

Funeral Directors Attendance

Provision of Hearse

Provision of Limousine (1)

Provision of Bearers (4)

Minister or Celebrant Fees 

Cremation Fees

Return of Cremated Remains

A dedicated online memorial page including online donations 

Diamond Plan


The most comprehensive funeral plan, our Diamond Plan offers the same services as the Platinum Plan plus two limousines and a superior coffin. This Funeral Plan is often chosen for burial, or by those with larger families. Available as burial or cremation. Includes Disbursements**

Our Diamond Plan includes

Funeral Directors Professional Service and Advice 

24 Hour Service 

Home Visits 

Collection Of The Deceased*

Care of the Deceased in the Funeral Home

A Quality Upgraded Coffin 

Viewing in the Chapel of Rest 

Funeral Procession from Home or Funeral Home to the Crematorium

Funeral Procession from Home or Funeral Home to the Church Service 

Funeral Directors Attendance

Provision of Hearse

Provision of Limousine (2)

Provision of Bearers (4)

Minister or Celebrant Fees

Cremation Fees 

Return of Cremated Remains 

A dedicated online memorial page including online donations

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Additional Information

*Other information to to consider

All of the Funeral Plans we offer are based on a minimum deposit of £250.00 


*Collection of the deceased in the UK is normally restricted to a 40 mile radius, extra changes may apply if greater 

**Disbursements may includes Crematorium Fees, Burial Fees, Clergy and Celebrant Fees. Please note Silver Plans do not include disbursements.
***Doctors fees are only included in the Bronze Package

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Funeral Planning FAQs

Most people prefer not to talk about their funeral. A Funeral Plan could help make matters easier for everyone so when the time comes, all it takes is one phone call to your funeral director and everything is taken care of.

  • What is a Funeral Plan?

    A Funeral Plan is a simple way to arrange the funeral you want and pay for it at today's prices thus beating inflation.

    Even if prices rise in the future, once your plan is paid for, you’ll have the reassurance of knowing that your arrangements are secured.

    As an example, funeral prices have increased by 62% over the last 8 years.

    Source:  BBC.co.uk

  • Why should I get a Funeral Plan?

    Losing a loved one is hard enough. The last thing your family needs is the worry of whether they are carrying out your wishes.

    Furthermore, would you want to burden your family with the one off cost of a funeral which they may not be able to afford?

  • How much will it cost?

    There are many Funeral Plans, with the simplest starting at £1,749 ranging to £4,099 and above.

    See our above section to find more detailed pricing.

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